This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #41359

    This has probably been asked so many times before so I’ll apologize now

    I’m having a hard time with Kanji using Anki and Textfugu, I just can’t seem to remember it as well as I did with hiragana.
    Are there any other resources which are better than the methods I’m currently using or is it just a matter of “Suck it up, Kanji is hard, battle through it!”?


    Ah not to worry now, I’ve discovered WaniKani.
    Seems to do a pretty good job from what I’ve seen thus far.

    But does it mesh well with learning grammar through TextFugu?



    Textfugu = +0

    Wanikani = +1

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