Home Forums The Japanese Language 々 (repeater kanji)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Just got to four stroke kanji and this kanji came up when I was looking through 中. I looked ahead a few chapters but it did not further explain the repeater kanji. Is this explained in a future lesson e.g. season 4,5, or 6? As it appears none of the lesson titles refer to this kanji specifically.


    I’ve no idea whether it does mention it in TextFugu (it really should), but there’s not much to it: if a word has two (or more?) of the same kanji in a row, you can replace the others with that mark e.g. 日日 -> 日々 and 時時 -> 時々



    I wonder if I should e-mail koichi about these small things I am noticing in the lessons that seem to be brought up without having a proper explanation. Albeit as so far they are small things.


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