Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) あたしはビリーだよ!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    hey everybody i’m Billy :)
    i go to a language school in tokyo with hopes of one day attending a 専門学校 for illustration, but i’m back in the US for a semester to work and make money so i can go back as soon as possible >.>
    so i’m open to all questions about that if you have any. lol but after months of living there i’m still very much a beginner at japanese xD
    (hahh i wonder if i’ll ever feel my language ability is sufficient enough xD )
    anyway, tofugu is muh favourite site so i thought i’d give textfugu a try during this interval.



    Hello there Billy, I just read your introduction and it’s very exciting :)Because I want to study Illustration myself (currently Graphic Design undergrat in my home town). Probably tons of people have already asked, but I want to ask too.
    Can you explain your advanture? Like, what is the process of attending language school? (visa, cost, daily life, being a foreigner and all that) I really want to go to a lang. school, but the prices shock me and also there is a cost of living, a place to stay (lot’s of money!!!)
    take care,



    Heya Billy, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies :)

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