Home Forums The Japanese Language いっぱい

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Alanna Johnson 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    I was reading that いっぱい could be used as a regular old い-adjective. Does that mean that you can say いっぱすぎ for “too full”? Or does いっぱい already have the “too” part built into the meaning?



    I’ve never heard that before, and it ain’t in my dictionary, but Googling for いっぱすぎ does yield a bunch of results. Could be slang.

    Where’d you read it?

    As for whether “too full” is part of the meaning, いっぱい essentially means exactly enough required to fill a container. Of course, when you’re talking, say, a room filled with people, “filled” can certainly feel pretty full.


    http://www.textfugu.com/season-4/adverbs/5-5/#top This is where I read that it could be used as an adjective. I only wondered if you could use すぎる with it because I was trying to make run-on sentences and tried to say I was “too full”.



    That doesn’t say it can be used as an い-adjective. It’s a な-adjective. =P

    Yes, you can use すぎる to imply excess fullness.


    Ahhh! So it would be more like いっぱいすぎでした ? as in, “I was too full.”?




    One trick with な-adjectives masquerading as い-adjectives is that the difference is usually obvious when you see it in kanji. I.e. いっぱい = 一杯, きれい = 綺麗, and so forth. Without an い there to lop off the end, it’s pretty apparent that they’re not い-adjectives. The trick is that they’re usually written in kana only.

    Also, 嫌い doesn’t play fair in that regard either…


    I like that. I’ll remember that. I’m ALWAYS looking for patterns. Thanks for the tip!

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