Home Forums The Japanese Language い ending verbs conjugating to わ?

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    I remember reading this once but I can’t find the explanation anywhere in my notes for the reason why.

    Example sentence: 高いから買わなかった。

    The to buy verb かいます in casual form is かわる then?

    All help appreciated.

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    買います in casual form is 買う.
    買わなかった is 買う in past negative.
    To change a tybe 1 verb to negative form, you change the last う-kana to the corresponding あ-kana and add ない in the end. Note that う is changed to わ instead of あ. So now it is 買わない.
    To make it past tense you change the い to かった, so it becomes 買わなかった.

    The meaning of 「高いから買わなかった」 is “it’s expensive, so I didn’t buy it.”

    I hope that answered your question.



    oh ‘a’ form! Right! There’s always a bloody form forgotten. Thanks heaps!

    Hey are you able to explain to me the reason behind this conjugation?

    Because I don’t want to die! – 死にたくないから!

    To die verb is group one. Is it the た form, for wanting to do something (in this case not do), that makes it not turn into 死なくない? Both group 1 and 2 verbs keep their original end kana in た form?

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    “To die” in dictionary form is 死ぬ.
    To say that you want to do something, you convert it into formal form, and replace the ます with たい. So, 死ぬ -> 死にます -> 死にたい. Which means “want to die.” Eew, I don’t like this one.
    Now it is actually an い-adective. So, if something is 死にたい, it wants to die. You turn it into negative form the same way as you turn any other い-adjective negative; you replace the い in the ending with ない. So now it is 死にたくない. And から means roughly “because.”

    This one was a little tough because you had to turn it formal first.



    Oh wow ok. Thanks so much!

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