Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) おはいお わたしわ の なまえ わ ダニエル(Daniel) です

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    Daniel Curro

    My name is Daniel and I have always been interested in the Japanese language. I first heard it from an anime I ended up watching and fell in love with the sounds it makes. I always say the language sounds poetic…. at least to me.

    I want to learn Japanese so I can eventually visit one day with my family. I also would love to help my daughter learn a 2nd language at a young age as I wish my parents did for me. I feel it helps children have a more worldly view.

    Also I still enjoy watching anime to this day and would love to watch without focusing on the subtitles all the time :).

    I have been using the demo for TextFugu and for a Christmas present received a subscription… YAY! I also use various apps that are helping me learn Hiragana and Katakana in my spare time and on my daily commute to work I have been listening to Primsleur.

    I really like having all the different teaching styles at the same time. TextFugu for the more reading/writing (for now) and some audio conversation so I become a better listener. :)

    I hope to become active on these forums and end up helping others out when I can as well as ask silly questions when needed.

    Let’s do this together!



    Welcome! Just a few small corrections:

    おはよう、わたし の なまえ は ダニエル です

    The topic particle is written as は even though it’s pronounced “wa” – it’s etymology. You only need the one – the topic in this sentence is “わたし の なまえ”. And it’s おはよう (etymologically speaking, it comes from 早い = はやい = early).

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