Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) おはようございます from Germany! :D

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    So, yeah.
    Hello and good morning, my name’s Lea, it is currently 9AM and at this early hour I decided that yes, I probably could manage learning Japanese with this, since I did manage the whole hiragana and です stuff. The reasons of me learning Japanese used to be “oooh then I can understand anime hahaha kawaii sugoi desuuuuu”, but then it shifted more to “Woah, I could understand music and order food in Japan and just walk around Japan while semi-understanding what’s going! Awesome!” I’m guessing that also said that yes, I would love to go to Japan one day, perhaps even live there for 1 or 2 or 3 years. Who knows.

    Anyways, about me. Hmm, I speak Latvian as my native language (and you can take “speak” literally, I haven’t lived in Latvia since 2nd grade, so my spelling and complicated grammar isn’t the best, hah), I could count German as a 2nd native language so to say, seeing as I kind of grew up with it from 3rd grade on and speak it fluently, am able to actually make adequate sentences and all that jazz. As you can see, I’m also able to communicate fluently in English, so that’s a plus when using this website. :)

    My favorite animals are bears, closely followed by maned wolves (look them up- they’re like a mix between a wolf and a fox with runway model legs!) and snow leopards.

    I love drawing, travelling, tumblr, various movies and TV shows to which I will come in a little bit, comics (spidey and deadpool, yo! Wolverine’s cool, too), music, video games, books and languages, because there’s just so many little quirky things going on in them. “Hai” means yes in Japanese, right? Well in German it means “shark”. That’s just so weird… “Are you okay?!” “Shark.”

    My absolute favorite movies are The Avengers, Batman, Harry Potter, Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog and TV Shows would be Doctor Who, Supernatural, Breaking Bad, Hannibal,.. the list goes on in both cases. Oh, and the podcast “Welcome to Nightvale” is just pure gold burried in the dog park.

    Favorite music would be Steam Powered Giraffe, Linkin Park, Prāta Vētra and Hollywood Undead.

    Okay, this thing is way too long already. You get some internet cookies for reading so much text, good job!




    I am also from Germany :) and I would like to ask, if you might be interested in learning online together?
    Maybe over Skype or something else?

    I am a total beginner and beside TextFugu I am using Genki and other sources.
    My plan is to try for JLPT3 next year.

    Would be great if you could consider it :D



    Um, sure! How would you think we’d do that? It sounds like a great idea and I’m sure it’d make the vocab stick better. :) Currently this is my only source of Japanese, but I am interested in that Genki thing you just wrote about. :D
    (Ach, eigentlich kann ich ja jetzt auch einfach auf Deutsch schreiben, oder? :D )
    Ich bin auch eine totale Japanischanfängerin. :p In welchen Stufen gibt es das JLPT-Zeug eigentlich?



    Oh yes I would love to write in German. ;)
    but because it is an English speaking forum,
    I hope you don’t mind, if I answer you in English :)

    JLPT starts with us ;) – total Beginner
    There are different levels
    JLPT5 = Beginner, Elementary
    JLPT4 = Pre Intermediate
    JLPT3 = Intermediate
    JLPT2 = Upper Intermdiate to Advanced
    JLPT1 = Advanced to Proficiency

    Do you know the Cambridge Exames? Regarding the speaking skills it is kind of similar.
    There is also an exame in business. However it is more like TOFEL where the level is given through your achieved points.

    Genki 1+2 is elementary. It is similar to “Minna no Nihongo – みんなの日本語” book1.
    As I am only at the beginning of Genki I honestly can’t say if it will work out in the end :).
    However uptil now I like it. Beside each Course book there is a Workbook and a CD.

    Do you know “Check Sheets” and “Check Tapes”?
    With the Check Tapes you can “ink out” a word or part of a sentence you want to test your knowlege on. You ley the check sheet over it. The ink out part is not longer visible and you can test yourself. In this way you can create your own test sheets. If you are satisfide with your progress you only need a rubber to clean the book. :)

    ((Du kannst mich wie folgt erreichen – um Spam zu vermeiden, umschreibe ich meine Adresse ;)
    Benutzernamen im Forum, Klammeraffe – Internetanbieter = “rosa Riese”. Betr.: TextFugu + Teacup In Space))

    If you have Skype we can set up a time for learning. :)



    Ich muss euch beide leider sagen, Textfugu ist nicht genug um überhaupt einmal den N5 zu Schafen. Seit fast einen Jahr sind da keine neue Kapitel. Aber es ist einen sehr guten intro-Kurs für Totale Neulinge. Ich hab alle Kapitel schon fertig gelernt und bin jetzt dabei alle die Kanjis zu lernen. Ich will auf keinen fall sagen das ihr aufhören sollt. Nur das ihr bereit seid das es nur ein ganz Anfänger Kurs ist und nichts mehr.



    Hi mtb812 :)
    danke für den Hinweis. Hättest Du Lust zusammen zu lernen? Ich habe noch einen Account in Quizlet angelegt und versuche mit verschiedenen Büchern und dem Internet zu lernen. Wir könnten uns über email und/oder Skype oder andere Medien austauschen.
    Es ist schwierig eine oder zwei gute Quellen für das Selbstudium zu finden…
    Ich würde mich freuen, falls Du Lust und Zeit hättest :D



    Tut mir leid aber ich bin ein Alleingänger. Ich wohne seid einige Jahren in Asien und mit die Zeitverschiebung ist das zu schwierig außer wenn du vielleicht zwischen 2-4 Uhr früh Japanisch lernen willst. :-)



    >>zwischen 2-4 Uhr früh
    könnte ich sogar einrichten – ein vielleicht zweimal die Woche,
    aber da Du schon so weit bist und auch noch an der Quelle lebst… ist es für Dich wahrscheinlich uninteressant.

    Aber wie gesagt, falls Du doch Lust hast…

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