Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) おはようございます from the land of fire!

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    Ahahaha, I’m just really close to the wildfires, that’s why I say that. ^_^

    My name is レイチェル!(Rachael!)

    I’ve been an otaku since… forever? Since I was about 12 years old. I’m 23 now, so you see how that worked out. I’ve always been a fan of Japanese language and culture, yet it took me about a decade before I decided to seriously consider learning the language. Sometimes, when I’m posting on forums in Japanese… I wonder if I’ve watched too much anime and so my reference points are a bit skewed. xD

    Oh, well. It is what it is. I will just have to learn to be polite and formal (whether I want to or not). My goal is to offend as little people as possible during my trip to Japan.

    Wish me luck and がんばって!!




    The land of fire? Tierra del Fuego? … Iceland?

    Welcome! You planning on a trip to Japan, then? When? Where?

    Handy rule of thumb, です/ます form will be ideal for pretty much any situation you’d encounter as a tourist.

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