Home Forums The Japanese Language が with verbs

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    In season 4 of Textfugu, I came across とうとう なつ が きました (Summer has finally come). When would you use が and when would you use に with verbs such as きます and でます etc? Thanks.



    The が indicates what is performing the verb. に is often used to show indirect objects or destinations. Take a look at these sentences and notice what each particle follows.
    1 – ケンさん が パーティ に きます か? Will Ken come to the party?
    2 – けんさん が きます か? Will Ken come?
    3 – パーティ に きます か? Will [somebody] come to the party?

    が marks the person who will come.
    に marks what they are coming to.

    Since summer is what is coming, you say なつ が きます.

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