Home Forums The Japanese Language きましょう ?

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    Just wondering what this translates as: きましょう

    Currently learning the ‘let’s’ in textfugu and i know きる is ‘to come’. I cant imagine it translating as ‘lets come’. It seems as if its just another ‘let’s go’.

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    Got any kanji? Or context? Cause it could mean “let’s put it on”. As in clothing. 着ましょう.



    Nup. Thats all there is on this page.


    i imagine i will see it in action soon

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    Ah, didn’t spot your little bit of confusion – “come” is くる. It’s one of the irregulars, so it conjugates a bit funny. きる is 着る = “put on (clothing)”.

    Mind you, if you’re just given “きる”, it could also refer to 切る, 斬る, 伐る, 剪る, 截る or 鑚る, but all of those are う-verbs, and so their volitional form is きりましょう. Such is the importance of kanji. Or context. =)



    Yes, awesome, thanks! I was thinking that it could be a bunch of things!

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