Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんいちは

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    Hello forums,

    I took 2 beginner classes in Japanese my sophmore year of college (about 1-2 years ago), but my major classes were getting in the way of studying (or atleast that’s what I tell myself :p). So I’m trying to get back on track. I’ve always wanted to learn another language, and love several aspects of Japanese culture, as many of you do, so I won’t expand on that. However another large reason for learning Japanese is the power an additional language has. Being by lingual opens up new worlds, you can partake in Japanese society both on the island, and on the internet. I want to learn Japanese in particular, as it’s relevant to my hobbies, i.e. anime, and also to my field of study in the tech industry.





    こんいちは こんにちは

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