この、その Etc,Are all ”This (thing), That (thing)”
こんな、そんな Are all “This type (of thing), that type (of thing)”
The important thing to know with こんな is it is often used more abstract.
こんな場合はあるわけないだろ “As if there’s such a situation like this”
And a really common one
そんなことない “No, not at all” or “That’s not the case” – Literally “It’s not something like that”
This goes further but there’s also こんなに “To this degree・So much so” そんなに “To that degree/So much so”
そんなに大事なことじゃないでしょ ”Surely it’s not THAT important”
There’s more but cbf
Hope it helps
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by