Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちは、みんなーさん。ケイリンデス

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    Title is suppose to say “Hi everyone, I’m Kaylan” Not sure if it does though xD

    Anyways ^-^ I’ve been trying to learn Japanese on and off for a while xD Back when Smart.fm was still free and Koichi gave video classes on edufire. Consistently quit before reaching Katakana.

    This time though I’m really getting into the swing of things(^_^)。 Even though I’ve quit numerous times in the past after only a week or so, turns out the time spent back then wasn’t completely wasted ^^ I’m pretty confident with Hiragana (each time I started again, I went over Hiragana first) at least. Not much but it’s a nice spring board to jump from.

    Umm, reasons for learning Japanese;

    @ Would love to live in Japan. At the very least visit there for extended periods of time.
    @ Again, the obvious one. Anime! I love the stuff ^^ To me it’s a good enough reason on it’s own.
    @ I love the culture in general ^^ The comedy shows, the language, the history, the food, the etiquette.

    So yeah =3 I just wanted to say Hello to everyone. I will definitely stick at it this time for a few reasons;

    1.) I hate feelings of regret
    2.) I spent money this time (no one likes to waste money)
    3.) I just feel good about it this time ^^ like I will definitely make it


    • This topic was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  Kaylan Walker.


    Welcome! Have fun, and (possibly more importantly) keep it up. =)

    Title is suppose to say “Hi everyone, I’m Kaylan” Not sure if it does though xD

    Not perfectly. There’s no need for the long vowel – it’s just みんなさん. Gonna pass over your name, because I’m not sure it’s supposed to be pronounced (though リ seems an odd choice) but the です should be in hiragana.


    Forgot to switch back to hiragana for desu x3 damn! Also that’s suppose to be a hyphen not a long vowel like minna-san. Name is pronounced “Kay” rhymes with hey, “lan” doesn’t really rhyme with anything =/ sort of sounds like “lun” I guess.



    Welcome to Textfugu! If you have any questions, you can ask us on the forum.



    I hear you about the money thing. I don’t know about others, but i’m much more likely to give up on something if it was free – that way you don’t feel like you’ve lost anything by giving up. Whereas with things you’ve paid for, it’s like “I don’t want to let that money go down the drain, I could have bought a new “.

    And also, welcome to Textfugu, i’m brand new here too :)



    Welcome to TF

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