Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちは、カイルです。

This topic contains 13 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Yippy 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hello TextFugu! My name is Kyle and this will be my first post, I believe. I started dabbling in Japanese about 8 months ago but resently got the urge to kick it into gear and take it more seriously. I have been trying to implement the imursion method by watching, listening, reading, and talking about anything i can having to do with Japan. That can really prove to be difficult considering where I live is not very, how to say, allowing? Accessable? To Japanese resources. I live in Northern Minnesota. Anyway, first question I can ask now… did I use correct grammer in my greeting? I read somewhere that even though it is pronounced “konnichiwa” it is spelled “konnichiha” am I wrong? Anyway, I should cut this short. Typing on a phone isn’t very easy…

    Another question, what does everyone use to type kana with an English keyboard?



    Konnichiwa to you too Kyle, welcome aboard to Textfugu! No resources? Isn’t that what the Internet is for? XD

    Anyway, you did use correct grammar in your greeting, or at least, that’s what Denshi Jisho says so: http://jisho.org/words?jap=%E3%81%93%E3%82%93%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A1ha&eng=&dict=edict
    Your translated name is a bit off though, but that’s just my opinion. Denshi Jisho doesn’t seem to have any problem with your name anyway.

    As for the ha/wa dilemma, you’ll bump into it soon in one of the early chapters of Textfugu. Long story short, the written grammar particle ‘ha’s pronunciation has a loooooong history of being meddled with.

    But, if you’re feeling a little adventurous, here’s the link for the lesson on Textfugu:

    There’s an inbuilt Japanese IME (input) for Microsoft PCs, I think. You just have to tweak the language settings a little. Or, you could just switch to Google’s Japanese IME. Koichi has some simple guides for this:



    If there’s anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. We’ll try our best to help. Well, hope you enjoy your time at Textfugu! (^_^)

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  Yippy.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 11 months ago by  Yippy.


    If it helps, become a fan of Fudanjuku, KONNICHIHA! :D




    Which OS are you using? Pretty sure most people just use an english keyboard with an IME. My OS is Windows 7 and I use the built in Windows IME. I will however check out the Google Japanese IME at some point as I’ve heard good things about it.



    Welcome to Textfugu! If you have any questions you can ask us on the forum here. :)



    Another Kyle? Damn. I hope you give up soon.

    Just kidding. Welcome aboard.



    Thanks everyone for the kind replies! Hippy, why would my name translation be wrong? Or what would you say Kyle is? And as for the OS I use for my computer its vista. But I do use the Google Japanese input beta for my phone.



    カイル is right. It’s as close as you’re going to get anyway. As a benefit, you get to listen to all the frog jokes and have people laugh (the same people again and again (apparently it never gets old)) every time you leave and they get to say 「カイル帰る(笑)」….



    Thisiskyle, what does that mean? I’m not as far as easily translating quite yet (-_-;)



    Dig it: Handy Online Japanese-English Dictionary

    帰る (read かえる) means to go back (usually home). Like if you were at work or school and were going home.

    Anyway, it sounds very similar to your name when pronounced with a Japanese accent.

    笑 is the kanji for “laugh”



    @カイル:Like thisiskyle said, there’s nothing wrong with your name. But if my name was Kyle though, I’d try Kaiyaru or カイヤル. It just sounds better in my opinion. Any problems with the Japanese IME input btw?

    P.S. Flower Power! XD



    Actually, yippy, I am having troubles. I installed the Google IME but don’t know how to use it. Like where and how to turn it off or on… then again, I didn’t look into it much. Just a little lazylast night after work.



    On a windows pc you’ll probably need to turn on the language bar. Right click on the task bar or look in the control panel, the option is something like display language bar, you should then have a icon or icons for your IME on your task bar you can click on to change between EN JP etc. For the JP IME, you’ll have options to write hiragana, katakana, full width half width, eh? and then theres the one which just types whatever you type. Have fun!

    Similarly on a mac in the system prefs under language and text under input sources you want show input menu in menu bar ticked.



    @カイル: There’s a guide in the second last link I gave you.


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