Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちは。Alyseです。

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cimmik 10 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hello. I’m using TextFugu alongside WaniKani to learn Japanese. I read these two don’t play too well together but I’ll just bear with it. :)

    Also, I am both lactose intolerant and I am allergic to wheat. Still, I ate some pizza so I have a stomach ache. It was worth it though! :D

    Textfugu told me I should share my reason for learning Japanese. So here goes. This is exactly what I wrote down a week and a half ago when I started (before I bought into Textfugu) …

    I want to live in Japan. For at least 6 months every year. And I want to be able to speak to my neighbors while I am there. I want to be able to meet new people and have real conversations with the people there.

    That’s the long term. :) The short term reason, which I didn’t put in my notebook is that I really just need something to do. I work from home, and have found myself getting very bored and maybe even mildly depressed at the lack of activity my brain gets. So this has certainly helped!

    Nice to meet you all!!




    ようこそ Alyse. I’m also allergic to wheat.
    I would love to help you a little closer to your goal, so here’s a little fact: Allergy is called アレルギー in Japanese.

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