Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちはhello everyone !!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Donis Berkant 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    How are you all?
    I’m a high school student. Soon after I had started watching animes, I realised how much I liked Japanese. To be able to communicate with the Japanese would be thrilling. After learning the basic parts, I thought it was a slow progress, this site looks great!
    I want to learn Japanese coz’ , I like the culture and all, for my future career and I don’t plan on living in my country when I’m an adult. I plan on going to Japan when I pass my college entrance exams.
    Listening Miyavi for a long time now, god he is good :D visual kei is good :D
    Also guys, do you have Japanese penfriends? if you have, can you offer me a site?
    This forum looks very friendly and nice ^^



    Yo, and welcome.

    If you put a decent advert written in Japanese on Japan Guide you will be overwhelmed with messages. However I wouldn’t reccomend it for beginner students, because the messages can get rather long and complex, and it doesn’t exactly conform to text-book grammer. Perhps you could try writing an advert in English…

    Strangely enough, 90% of the replies I recieved were from girls aged 20-23. Whether or not there is a gender bias in those learning English, or if it’s for some other reason, I do not know.


    Yo, thanks for the answer! I saw that some people want to chat in English, so I can put an advert in English like you said, since it’s not my native language, killing two birds with one stone. But it makes sense, I guess I will put an advert when I’m better in Japanese.

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