Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちわ、はじめまして、イスワンヂです

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    はじめまして, Hello, Im Iswandi from Indonesia, I was learning Japanese in High School (well yes when I was Young), but then I stopped, still I never lost my interest with Japanese language and culture. now I begin to learn again, from zero, its about 5 month now Im learning Japanese. Im no living in Japan nor English native speaker (English is my second and want Japanese for my third language). The hardest part in my Japanese study is conquering Kanji. anyway Nice to meet you all. よろしくお願いします



    Halo, apa kabar? げんきです

    Language itself is interesting and I think it’s great to have a resource to help learn Japanese with others starting from zero. I’m still intimidated by Kanji but learning the Radicals (ReAlLy learn them, lol) helps a lot!


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