Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちわ! Hello!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Geoff 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Hello everyone!

    I just finished the first season of TextFugu and decided that it was well worth a life membership!  It was miles better for me than the ridiculously overpriced and frustrating computer program I had been using.  I love TextFugu so far (and Anki, that piece of software is so good)… can’t wait to learn more!  I”m sure I’ll show up in the teamspeak server to practice speaking Japanese with all of you as soon as I learn a bit more.

    Looking forward to learning with and from all of you!





    I should add that I intend to start living and working in Japan sometime in the next 1 or 2 years.  Ever since I took a class on Japan in college on a whim I’ve been fascinated with the country and its culture!  I discovered anime after I started learning Japanese but now thoroughly enjoy it… and they’re a great listening exercise for learning Japanese!  That’s my excuse, anyway.




    What program had you been using?



    Welcome! I’ve been pondering doing English teaching in Japan myself, though I’m still not entirely sure I want to live out of the country for a whole year…

    Small note: it’s こんにち. You’ll learn why before too long. =)



    That’s what I get for trying to “spell” words I learned in Rosetta Stone, I guess!

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