Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちわ! An American College Student learning Japanese

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    Just like everybody else on the forum, I want to learn Japanese, but I am doing it for self-enrichment and I do want to go visit Japan one day. I can’t say that I want to live there yet cause I never had visited there. I liked that Japan has one of the strongest economies and they seem pretty technological advance. I always wanted to see their culture and experience it including their mannerisms. I like to also want to experience things that are in Japan, but something I can’t find in the US like a hot spring.

    The only thing that I am worried about that also makes me unsure of living there because of balancing budget between the cost of living in Japan and my college loan. Also, it seems like a lot of the jobs individuals overseas are able to obtain in Japan is teaching English. As much as I don’t mind doing that for a short period, it isn’t something I want to do for a long period. I am an Information Systems major and even though it might be hard to find a position like that for a foreigner in Japan, I want to work in that field eventually.

    Lastly, I did try the free chapters and I enjoyed it which made me become a paying member. TextFugu seemed like the only of the few ways to learn Japanese. Unfortunately the college I attend don’t offer Japanese. Speaking of which, they offer no East Asian languages whatsoever. They only offer the three overrated European languages (Spanish, German, French) and Russian. I will be using TextFugu with the Genki textbook and workbook I just ordered recently. Also, I did find some penpals on japan-guide.com that can help me with my Japanese language learning experience.



    Welcome to Textfugu!

    By the way, it is actually こんにちは.  But hey, there are deviants everywhere I suppose.



    I failed already. lol jk



    Just like everybody else on the forum, I want to learn Japanese, but I am doing it for self-enrichment and I do want to go visit Japan one day.

    “But”? So the rest of us aren’t? =P

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