Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こんにちわ, love Norway!

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    Hello everynyan!

    So yeah, I just became a paying textfugu user, feels real. Somehow more tangible.
    Anyway, I just wanted to introduce myself, now that the forum and all it’s members are finally available to me.

    My name is Bo. I am from Norway. I love everything Japanese…though i suppose i am not alone in this regard.
    Regardless of “how” we all love japan or the language we at least all have that in common, for some reason or another we LOVE japanese and are here to learn and to share our knowledge and wisdom aquired.

    I have always loved japanese culture, ever scince i was first introduced to it as a child, scince before i was aware that japan was a physical place with it’s own language and culture and people.

    It just makes me all fuzzy inside. I love lore, the literature, the mythology, the art, the music, the people!
    and yes i also happen to be a big video game nerd, so there is motivation to learn all around me.

    My goal is to be able to travel to japan and communicate with ease and ardour.
    Another goal is to be able to read just about anything! From Genji Monogatari, to Haruki Murakami to Dragonball!

    Also i have been surrounded by the language all my life, because a lot of my hobbies and interests consists of listening to japanese. I also love Haiku and the Kigo.

    The language is so mystical still, and i intend to crack the code, though i am willing to bet that it will only serve to deepen the enigma. I love how simple words consisting of two or three syllables can contain so much potential meaning, often abstract. like a single word createst a little film about nature. i love that. it’s so unique, and so far, i have only come accross this in the japanese language.

    i also love pictograms of any kind. runes and hieroglyphs. i always loved the ancient norwegian language and chinese and egyptian and hebrew and greek…e.t.c. symbols are great! and japanese is a whole language filled with thousands of glyphs! just ready to be understood and cracked open like an atom!

    i’m a little dramatic at times…

    Anyway, i hope to get to know some of you guys or gals!

    One quick question before i go…

    I just heard this word last night “ねむりかつてきゃ” i might have spelled it wrong. but it sounds like “nemurikattya” or “nemurikattia”, it doesn’t really make any sense and i cannot find it anywhere…
    i know it has to do with sleep, and it’s in the past sense or something. but i cannot understand exactly how it pertains to “sleep”.

    if anybody knows i would be so happy! this really bugged me last night!

    thank you for listening to me, and hope to hear from you!

    Love Norway




    I just heard this word last night “ねむりかつてきゃ” i might have spelled it wrong. but it sounds like “nemurikattya” or “nemurikattia”, it doesn’t really make any sense and i cannot find it anywhere…

    That sounds like some sort of extended conjugation, but I couldn’t tell you exactly without some context (or a more confident guess at the spelling =P). Where’d you hear it from?

    ねむらなきゃ, maybe? ねむらなかった?



    Hi Bo,

    Nice to meet you. I also subscribed to Textfugu yesterday :)! Let’s work hard and learn some Japanese.



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