Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) こん一羽 from Canada!

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    Hello there, I’m new to Japanese learning and happy I found textfugu.

    I learned hiragana and katakana very quickly and effectively (80/20 rule)
    with an app called Dr.Moku if you don’t already know it. It uses mnemonics
    as well to help you learn it.

    Looking forward to learn the kanji radicals with textfugu.

    If anyone wants to exchange learning French with Japanese, well French is my first language
    so hit me up! I’m a musician, yoga teacher and EFT practitioner.



    Welcome! What’s EFT?

    One little pointer: when using IME, the first suggested kanji isn’t always the right one. If in doubt, don’t. =P Case in point, こんにちは is almost invariably written in hiragana. If you were to write it in kanji, though, it’d be 今日は. (And on a similar note, be careful when ん is followed by あ-, な- or や-line kana.)


    こん一羽 is probably the most interesting version of こんにちは I’ve seen, I think :P

    That’s something Koichi should probably cover before he tells people to introduce themselves here, how to type こんにちは.



    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out this thread for some tips on organizing Anki 2 with the early chapters of TextFugu:


    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):





    Greetings! Wow, I never thought I’d come across someone who not only knows what EFT is but also does it professionally, in this forum. Not that there’s any reason that there wouldn’t be. Yay! And.. welcome! Well, that’s all I have to add. :-P

    Oh, EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. google it :3 :D



    Thank you for the feedback guys!

    Sorry for the dubious version of こんにちは. I think I have to remove the automatic
    kanji suggestions from the Japanese keyboard I use (mac). When I hit the space bar, it
    automatically puts the kanji it thinks should be there.

    Indeed, EFT is amazing and I intend to use it to help get passed some learning blocks
    and improve learning. :)

    Other than that, I’m a big fan of 茶 (Is that the correct kanji for tea?) and it’s one of
    the many reason I’m learning Japanese along with zen buddhism, food, mangas, travel and
    just the beauty of the language.



    Spacebar-to-suggest-kanji is pretty standard so far as IME goes – if you keep hitting the spacebar, it’ll cycle through the possible kanji. Rather than remove the kanji suggestions, you need to get used to a different way of typing – namely, hitting enter to lock in what you typed before moving on.


    Cody Dalton

    I thought at first you were just being terrible clever with the play on konichiwa XD

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