Home Forums The Japanese Language じしょ

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Leif 12 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #36113

    Marco Nioi

    Hi guys,I’ve decided to purchase a Japanese dictionary to help me in the future for example when I will find unkown kanjis while playing at some Japanes game on the PS3,so a friend of mine suggested me to purchase the “Kanji & Kana”,I have take a look at it online & I have found that yes it contains lots of kanji,but the pronunciation of the words where the kanjis are used in are all writed down in romaji,& this bother me a lot,because somethime I recall some words from the visual memory & I would like to have only hiragana on it,to don’t mix things up.

    So..my question is,do you know some dictionary like “Kanji & Kana” with the 2,136 Jōyō kanji & also the words where they are used in,but with the only difference to have those words writed down in hiragana??

    Thanks :)

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by  Marco Nioi.


    A quick google search enabled me to find this link :p


    Hopefully that helped! If not, good luck in finding the right one(:


    Marco Nioi

    Thx for the advice,I have done a google serch too & I have stumbled upon this one http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41LtX9K-9XL._SS400_.jpg ,the cool things about this dictionary is that it uses furigana (hiragana pronunciation above each kanji) & no romaji at all as well,but best thing of all it put the words into phrases too,so you can see how they are used :P

    Only negative thing is the high price,but on amazon there are used copies :P


    If you have a smart phone, see if you can find a Japanese dictionary app. If not, why not just use an online dictionary? No need to spend tons of money on a physical dictionary when there are websites than can do a similar job :D

    http://jisho.org/ and http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi?1C are good. So is http://www.alc.co.jp/, but it’s probably more useful for more advanced learners.



    I use Imiwa on my phone (though I still think Kotoba was a better name). It has… some issues with example sentences, but otherwise it’s quite handy.



    I second Imiwa (and also think Kotoba was a batter name).

    It’s a pretty nifty application! Very useful.

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