I get soooo confused as to when I should be using On’yomi reading and Kun’yomi readings…!
In the anki sentences deck there is a card that says:
十 は 七 じゃりません
(じゅう は なな じゃりません)
Why oh why is it that you pronounce the ten as jyuu (on’yomi reading)
and then pronounce the seven as nana (kun’yomi reading)
Is it the fact that the seven is ‘attached’ to the じゃりません hiragana and so you use the kun reading? If so does this work with all the numbers? for example would
十 は 三 じゃりません be jyuu wa mi jaarimasen?
I feel like im getting constantly caught out with when to use the On readings and when to use the Kun readings… :(