Home Forums The Japanese Language では and には questions

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    Can anyone explain to me the different cases in which one uses では and には versus the simple で and に?

    I think I understand the concept, but I can’t figure out the general idea of which situations use では and には instead of で and に.

    Anybody have some advice?



    では and には are double particles – they perform the function of both で or に and は. They’re used when some word which already has particle で or に is functioning as the topic of the sentence. For example:

    ここでは走らないでください – please don’t run here. “Here” has the location-of-action で particle attached, and it’s the topic, so you get では.

    冬には雪が多い – in winter, it snows a lot. Here, “in winter” is the topic, so you get 冬に + は.

    You’ll also see でも and にも, but never ever でを or にを. Or をは.



    Ahhh, that makes perfect sense! Thanks for clearing it up for me!


    But then what would ここで走らないでください and 冬に雪が多い (both sentences without the は) mean?



    Different emphasis / less distinction.

    ここでは is don’t run here, but it’s ok to run somewhere else. ここで becomes don’t run here.

    I guess?

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