Home Forums The Japanese Language なAdj paired with Movement verbs

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Luke King 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    Luke King


    I was wondering if any one could give me any insight to my problem.

    When i was making sentences i stumbled over a problem i tried to pair a な adjective in the case of あんぜん with いきます. i noticed that with the rules you would need to use ni twice for example :
    Tokyo ni あんぜん ni いきます (sorry about the mix of romaji and hirigana). Is it correct to use the participle twice in the same sentence ?



    Yeah. に has a whole host of different functions, so you’ll frequently see it appearing multiple times in a sentence. For example:

    二時 に 東京 に 買い に 行きます = At 2, I will to go Tokyo for shopping.


    Luke King

    Thanks a million that has helped me so much, i thought i was going crazy for a second



    No problem.

    On a side note, though, the に in 安全に is not the particle に, but rather the adverbial form of 安全. =)


    Luke King

    Thank you so much for the heads up, its definitely something im going to keep my eye out for :) ありがとう!

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