Home Forums The Japanese Language には vs で vs に

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    So i just finished the で chapter and also いる/ある。It occurred to me that I don’t really understand the meaning of には。
    It seems random to me when he uses には、で、and simply に in his sentences regarding locations…
    some random examples:
    わたし の アパート には さいふ が ある。
    マクドナルド に ある。
    マクドナルドで ハンバーガー を たべすぎた
    この レストラン で すごい シェフ が いる。
    あの レストラン に すし が ない。
    友だち の いえ で テレビ を みすぎた
    いえ には 子犬 が いる。

    sorry i just realized i should have copied the translations too probably, but i was randomly clicking through the chapters to find these so… don’t feel like re-finding them now :-P
    Can anyone clarify the difference a bit? I just don’t get it :-(


    There was a post like 5 days ago on this exact thing. Try browsing through the forum, it has been explained a little while ago already :)



    ごめんなさい I cannot find such a post. Do you remember what it was called?



    I think in this case, に and には have close to the same meaning, but as には means ‘as for’, it is just clarifying the existence of whatever you’re talking about. ある and いる are different from other verbs in that they are related to existence instead of action, so I was taught that you don’t use で with them, you use に and には. But you do use で with other verbs, like たべすぎた, because it is an action, not an existence.
    My Japanese friend on Lang-8 explains the usage of these particles very well.
    http://lang-8.com/137075/journals/1136385/ Part 1
    http://lang-8.com/137075/journals/1136394/ Part 2



    In that case was this sentence wrong?
    この レストラン で すごい シェフ が いる


    I’m glad someone else made this topic. Those lang-8 posts help a lot at showing the specific cases when you’d use them. Now I just have to figure out how the particle へ fits into all this as well.

    I was also confused by Koichi’s sentences. Such as “わたし の アパート には さいふ が ある。” – This makes it seems like it should be something like “As for my apartment, it has my wallet.” You would think it would be better to just use に here? Koichi translates this sentence as “I have a wallet at my apartment. / My apartment has my wallet.” I don’t really understand why you’d use には here.


    In that case was this sentence wrong?
    この レストラン で すごい シェフ が いる


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