Home Forums The Japanese Language はじめのいっぽ and some questions…..

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    O.k. So this is the name of one of my favorite anime shows, ‘Hajime no Ippo’/'はじめの一歩’(はじめのいっぽ)… I recommend it to those unfamiliar with it, but more so to the point: What does this title mean exactly (I have an idea, but in a way its a bit weird) (and also I want to test the particle の in an example I will give)?
    O.k. So はじめ should mean “start” or something like that, and 一歩 means “step” or “stride”, and の indicates possesion, so should the title mean something like “first steps”/”starting steps”, or am I missing something here? (Because this is something new with the particle の, because so far I have only dealt with people having possession over things (e.g. これはおつこさんのくるまです。))
    Also, a question…. For wanting to say this show’s theme song, would it be correct to do this:
    Thanks in advanced.



    Aye, it’s “First Steps”. Since Ippo is the name of the main character, it could also be “Ippo of the Beginning”… I guess. Gotta love double meanings.

    And yeah, the theme song would be はじめの一歩のテーマソング. Or just テーマ. (Not テーマー, though.)

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