Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) はじめまして、I am back

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Cimmik 10 years, 7 months ago.

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    I know, I know, not that guy again.

    My name is Brandon and I used to frequent this establishment, as far as I know, it has been years.
    I look forward to helping and being helped by everyone here.

    What drew me back in? Well, many things.
    1. Not remembering why I quit in the first place. (It has been years-ish)
    2. I am still watching some anime but would like to enjoy it without staring at subtitles.
    3. I work at amazon, I see imported Japanese products all day and want to be able to read them.

    What I dread relearning:
    1. Kana, it is a long and exhausting portion but still important.

    I practice and study at work during lunch and after work.

    I ask that you keep me motivated and I will do my best to return the favor. :)



    お帰り! :D I will order my assassins to keep an eye on you and strike the moment you let your Japanese studies slacken ^o^

    Not from the desk of Eihiko. Eihiko's boss took his desk away from him.


    Oh now I know why the forum is dying. It must be because of Eihikos assassins taking people down one by one when they say something wrong.
    Welcome back btw.

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