Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) はじめまして!

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    こんにちは, みんなさん!(私は、’こんばんは’です)


    「Good day, everyone! (‘evening’ for me)
    I’m Jacks. Pleased to meet you~!」

    I decided to learn Japanese after recommendation from a friend (admittedly, to learn how to read raw manga and the like..!). I took upon the summer deal to plunge into the grammar side of Japanese now that I’ve learned a good bit of kanji/vocab through Wanikani.

    I love the idea of de-constructing things, whether it’s fictional characters or language, or just any ways of looking at and doing things. So I appreciate the ‘play in the learning’, so to speak (I’m sporadic in my learning style and I often find it very hard to concentrate, so SRS and such is very helpful for me- I wouldn’t be without it!).




    Ahoy and welcome good sir!

    A sporadic learning style can definitely make it kind of interesting for something as time-intensive as Japanese, but it’s super rewarding when you can manage to get yourself to focus on something long enough to learn stuff. I can be kind of ADD (for example, I’m currently 3/4s of the way through a pretty hefty Anki session and I’m stopping to write this) when it comes to studying and studying CONSISTENTLY so I can definitely understand the difficulty you find in concentrating.

    I’ve found that going to Starbucks (or, you know, any other coffee shop, but Sbux for me) can be a pretty good way of making yourself concentrate. That isn’t obviously for everyone, but being a bit crap financially speaking, I can only afford to go a couple times a week so when I’m there I sort of end up working pretty efficiently. Also it’s fun when people are looking at you pound kanji into a notebook. Feels good.

    Anyways, enjoy your time here!

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg
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