Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) はじめまして from the UK!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  willbobaggins 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hello all,

    Found Textfugu a week or two ago and devoured the first season with glee. I learnt an extremely tiny amount of Japanese back in 2005 or so, and a very tiny bit more a few years later in my anime phase, but neither time did I feel the enthusiasm I do now with Textfugu. Just about to set off on season 2!

    English is my only native language (boring), but I’m fairly decent at German (I studied it for about 5 years at school) and am refreshing & improving that in parallel with Japanese, so if there’s anything related to German hit me up!

    Short and sweet goes the advice, so, that’s me out.




    Hey Will!

    Welcome and good luck learning Japanese!

    I’m nearly done with Season Two myself and am still going strong!

    Working on Japanese and German at the same time? Sounds intense. Good luck!

    I wear pearls. I watch jdrams. I love history.

    Hi Maria.

    Thanks! All going well so far in season two, I think I’m at risk of burning out though so I’m trying to slow down a bit.

    It’s not too bad doing both, especially with all the time I have on my hands this summer..

    Good luck to yourself too! See you around the forums

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