Home Forums TextFugu は and が confusion in season 3

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    Anna Sladek

    I have a problem with the explanation of the particles は and が.
    The problem comes up in season 3, “Things that you hate” chapter 7, here is the link: http://www.textfugu.com/season-3/hate/5-7/

    Until then I thought I understood the usages of these two, but then two example sentences destroyed that Illusion.

    First There is this part:
    Q. いぬ が すき ですか?
    Do you like dogs?

    A. はい、いぬ は すき です。
    Yes, I like dogs / Yes, as for dogs, I like them

    with an explanation why at first が is being used and then, in the answer it’s は.
    It is a nice explanation, works for me.

    But then, nearly at the end of the site where the の particle is being explained:

    Q. わたしのくるまはすきですか?

    A. No, I hate your car. Translation →


    Why? In this example it’s the other way around?
    If following the same pattern and explanation as above we should introduce the car with が:
    and then specify something about the already introduced car with は:

    Can someone explain this?


    Anna Sladek

    Please forget this post (Moderator close?) The search bar was useless and gave me no results, but just browsing the forum brought me this: http://www.textfugu.com/bb/topic/textfugus-use-of-%E3%81%AF-and-%E3%81%8C/



    Yeah, the built-in search sucks. Or rather, it’s completely non-functional. Which is odd, because we used to have a search that worked fine (though was very very well-hidden).

    Your best bet is to use Google site search (i.e. go to Google and enter “[search term] site:textfugu.com” into the box).

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