Home Forums The Japanese Language べんきょうしません VS. べんきょう を しません。

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Lane Beckstrom 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    This question came up on my Japanese 101 final exam so I’m sure it can be answered here, but the question was to translate “I do not study on Saturday”. So, I wrote “土曜日にべんきょうをしません.” I’m pretty sure this is correct and I understand how “do” is in the sentence so it makes sense to use しません. But, I thought べんきょうしません = “to not study”. So wouldn’t the translation be EXTREMELY similar for “土曜日にべんきょうをしません” and “土曜日にべんきょうしません”? Furthermore, what’s really messing with my head is that べんきょうをしません and べんきょうしません sound very similar.

    any thoughts?
    thank you!



    Yeah, they’re basically the same. A whole bunch of nouns form compound verbs by just tacking する on the back, but you can also write nounをする. The usage changes a tiny bit, though – for example, if you’re talking about Japanese study, you can either write 日本語勉強する or 日本語勉強する.

    Just typing nounする without the を tends to be used more often, I think.

    And yeah, when you’re doing dictation tests and you have to distinguish between 勉強 and 勉強を or else else you’ll lose marks, they sound annoyingly similar. =P


    なるほど, thanks for your detailed response Joel! very helpful.

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