Home Forums The Japanese Language ほしい

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  JStudent 11 years, 12 months ago.

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    Hey Guys,

    I’m up to the “want” chapter in season 4. I’m just wondering if  ほしい is what you would use if you were in a restaurant or something? As it translates it would seem a little rude I believe. Would adding ください make it acceptable, or will I find out what I should be using later on?

    Thanks everyone :)





    As in “I want the ramen”? Dunno if you’d use that in a restaurant – probably ラーメンをください (ramen, please) or ラーメンにします (I’ve decided on ramen).

    In a department store, you might use ほしい or ~たい at the information counter – セーターがほしいです (I want a sweater) is less direct than “please tell me where the sweaters are”, even if it doesn’t seem like that in English. Or セーターを買いたいです (I’d like to buy a sweater).



    Joel’s example of ください would be sufficient, but there’s also another alternative with おねがいします. It is used the same way without the を and is just a more formal way or way to be extra polite to people that are going to be handling your food.

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