Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) みんあさん、こんにちは!ウィルです。

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  YokaiAkito 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    William Bond

    Greetings, everyone! I’m Will. I have studied Japanese in the past, but, due to a lax reigme, I forgot a lot, too. Therefore, I’m starting from scratch in order to consolidate my present knowledge of the Japanese language, and also learn new grammar structures, too.

    Personally, I have an unhealthy obsession with cats. I also love technology, namely web development. I aren’t much of a gamer, but I may sometimes be caught playing games from the Persona and Pokémon series. I also love languages, and I already have a decent knowledge of French. Recently, however, I have toyed around with learning Mandarin, but I later decided to postpone that until a later date, deciding that it’d be best to refine my knowledge of Japanese.

    I am currently a student, so I may not have as much time to study Japanese as I’d hope, but I’ll get work done nonetheless!

    When it all boils down to it, though, my target for Japanese is to be able to study, work and live in Japan, eventually doing web development for a major Japanese company.

    I look forward to meeting all of you! よろしくお願いします!



    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:


    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:





    Ah~! Another Persona fan~! That is so awesome! That series needs more love! Haha! Good luck to us both!

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