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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 13 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #15238

    Jonathan R

    Hello there fellow TextFugu users!

    My name is Jon, I’m 27 and a Mathematician. I was bitten by the anime bug back when Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon were airing early in the morning while I ate breakfast before school. “Saturday Anime” on what used to be the Sci-Fi Channel impressed me. By high school I had encountered some fellow anime geeks and was tantalized by the language that my favorite video games were originally written in. As I finished college, just as my interest in anime was waning (partially due to me growing out of the targeted age range, and partially due to newer shows lacking the heart of my old favorites, *sigh*), I somehow found myself sitting in the Live Action theater with nothing else to do at a convention. After 45 minutes of Takashi Sorimachi, I was hooked on GTO, I realized there was a rabbit hole *inside* the rabbit hole. Sure, I can honestly say I’ve loved the idea of having read the Tale of the Genji, but I won’t kid myself either, I have unabashed love of GameCenterCX that dovetails nicely with my longstanding videogame addiction.

    Settling for Spanish in high school was tough, and while taking a year of German in college was fun, ultimately I didn’t stick to it. I dumped money into (two levels at once!) of Rosetta Stone Japanese, only to give up after a few lessons.

    Most of my free time is devoured by video games, I’m a fan of consoles new and old, particularly the NES and SNES era. I’m also a bit of a PC gamer too, and I hope to find some new opponents here for Starcraft 2 (and I’m looking forward to Diablo 3).

    Finally, I’ve signed up for TextFugu today (after wading around in the first few free lessons) thanks to fond memories of G-Gundam stirred up in today’s post. Which I initially saw subtitled. In Chinese. I was lost twice over. With my dedication and a little help from everyone here, I hope to dispell exactly half of that confusion.

    PS: Thanks, Google IME



    Jon – welcome! Hopefully TextFugu will help you stick with it. :) It’s a great resource; just keep at it! You’ll make lots of progress.

    Good luck with your studies!

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