Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) よろしくお願いします!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    I think I wrote that correctly…

    I’m currently taking Japanese classes at the local cultural center and signed up for TextFugu because I want as many supplementary tools as I can handle to help me learn! We use Genki in class, but I don’t feel like I get enough workbook practice. As a result, I don’t have as good a grasp of the concepts as I should. Especially grammar…I’m not that good with English grammar so Japanese grammar flies over my head sometimes.

    I really want to learn Japanese because it would open up so many more opportunities. I would love to live and work in Japan for a couple of years.

    I’m excited! Yay!



    Aye, you wrote that right.

    Welcome! I signed up for a similar reason, though we used Nakama in class. If you want another workbook to practice in, you might try looking into Japanese for Busy People, and for the grammar, I found the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar to be a big help.

    The thing about English grammar is that you know perfectly well how it works – you’ve been using it all your life. You just couldn’t really explain it, and don’t really know all the technical terms, because you learnt to use it pretty much just by using it. That’s probably the case for anyone aside from professional linguists. When you learn a second language, though, you’re explicitly told exactly how the grammar works.

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