Home Forums The Japanese Language よ Sentence Ender

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kanjiman8 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi Everyone,

    I have a quick question about よ sentence ender. On Textfugu it says that it can’t really be translated into anything but in Genki and on a few other sites it said that よ is “I Tell You”. Is this right? Also just to make sure I have it down, よ asserts a fact a listener may not know and emphasizes a command.  It basically tells how it is. Am I correct? Thanks in advance!




    It isn’t translated as anything… it’s not like it’s a word. It simply indicates something the listener might not know, and by extension, has a “didn’t you know?” tone to it.

    As far as I know it’s rarely ever used to emphasize a command. ろ or え verb forms and of course て form are used for that.



    I tend to think of it as like a spoken exclamation mark, kinda like when you’re saying something with real emphasis.

    Dunno how right that is.



    @ andrew

    That’s sort of the way I look upon it too. I don’t use it too often but when I do, it’s mainly about myself. For example 寿司を食べます vs 寿司を食べますよ. The second one feels more personal like it’s coming directly from you.

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