Home Forums The Japanese Language を and に question

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  James Cole 11 years, 6 months ago.

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    James Cole

    Just a quick question about に and を …

    In the beginning of season 3 it said を is used to show what we’re doing a direct action to, and that に is used with verbs associated with motion, places, dates/time, and to indicate what an object is directed to.

    So I’m towards the end of season 3, but one of the practice questions is:
    But since the verb is “exit” shouldn’t it be に instead of を ? Probably is correct as is, and I can see how when translated to English を would make sense, since it is “the supermarket” that you exited. But was just a little confused since I thought it would be considered a “movement” verb.

    Probably some small nuance I’m missing, like it’s asking if it’s the supermarket I exited (as opposed to the salon next door), but would love some clarification from someone more knowledgeable.

    Thanks in advance :D

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  James Cole.
    • This topic was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  James Cole. Reason: spelling / grammar


    Yeah, I think that might be a typo – if for no other reason than because 出る is an intransitive verb, and therefore cannot take a direct object…



    No actually that sentence is correct. It is true that intransitive verbs are not USUALLY supposed to take direct objects, but if the direct object refers to an area traversed, then usage of を is allowed. This grammar is N4 level, so beginners often get confused on this.

    Official N4 Examples:
    道を歩く – To walk (through) the road
    橋を渡る – To cross the bridge
    空を飛ぶ – To fly (through) the air
    部屋を出る – To leave the room



    Gah. Stupid, forgot about the を-as-through usage…


    James Cole

    Thanks :D

    Definitely adds a bit of confusion, but where’s the fun if it didn’t

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