Home Forums The Japanese Language "を" Pronounciation Questions

This topic contains 17 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  Kas 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    They in my room right now



    It’s funny you should mention this as I was thinking the same thing while going through my sentences deck on Anki. The sentence I was listening to was わたし は にほんご を おしえます. You can listen to the audio for it here http://www.textfugu.com/season-3/doing/practice/.

    As others have said the を just sounds like an extension to the word using either お or う.



    Yeah, as zeldaskitten et al said, there are a lot of songs where particle wo sounds like wo instead of o. Songs often make all sorts of dropped vowels quite distinct. Music isn’t a great place to pick up pronunciation. Words with “shite” usually have an almost silent i, and words like ikitai usually have an almost silent i in ki. Music brings those i sounds forward much of the time.

    Sorry for all the romaji. I ‘m stuck with devices on which I can’t type kana today. They support reading, though, so it doesn’t bother me much.

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