Home Forums The Japanese Language を vs. に particles

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Shannon 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    I just think I need clarification on this.

    TextFugu described that you should use に when talking about “movement.” time and/or going to a place.

    I sort of understand, but it’s not perfectly clear in my own mind. I’m struggling with choosing the right one and recognizing why you use either in a particular sentence.



    Think of it as に = “to” in English. に has meanings other than “to”, so don’t rely on that translation too heavily, but it works well enough in… possibly the majority of cases.

    When used with movement verbs, を marks the route (i.e. “through”).

    公園に歩く = walk to the park
    公園を歩く = walk through the park



    Thank you much!!! :P As always!

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