
Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) アルランドでこにちは!

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    Amy Murphy

    Or Dia Dhuit as they say over here (I hope I haven’t made my first glaringly obvious mistake already :P )

    I’m usually a lurker when it comes to forums so if you don’t see me for a while set off a flair or a unicorn fart or something and I’ll try to motivate myself to respond. Hopefully I’ll be better on this forum.

    Anyway, why am I interested in learning 日本語?

    I’ve always loved the culture and the language is beautiful to me – but that’s a bit too vague. I want to enjoy the media of Japan in it’s original state (a bit better) but really I want to teach Japanese. I want to teach a subject that people think is really hard and show people what they’re really capable of! That they don’t have to listen to the term ‘hard’ and they can enjoy learning!

    Wow. I’m full of cheese. But it’s true. I hope that’s a good enough reason to want to learn Japanese. There’s a bunch of other reasons too – I want to go and live in Japan for a while. Maybe earn my degree in Japan (I don’t know how feasible that is yet).

    About me in general, I love to draw, I love dogs, I like to read, lots. Love flash games. Had a dream I healed a unicorn once. I adore Irish indie music (and it bums me out I can’t find any Japanese music I like because that would be 10,000 hours of Japanese immersion right there)….ummm if you like you can follow me on twitter @amypaint because I use social media like a boss.

    I’m uber friendly and looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Any questions?




    Hi Amy!

    Welcome to Textfugu. Awesome intro. :) I think it’s cool that you want to show people what they are capable of if they actually try.

    Good luck with your studies!



    > (I hope I haven’t made my first glaringly obvious mistake already :P )

    あのう…「アルランド」はどこですか? 「アルランド」ですか? (^_−)−☆

    Welcome, anyway. Wherever you’re from. =D



    Hey Amy, welcome to TextFugu. I hope we’re inviting enough that you’ll feel like posting a lot on the forums :)

    Anyway, good luck with your studies!



    OMG Gaelic…my secret obsession… Well, not so secret anymore, I guess…but anyways, sweet! Welcome, Emerald Isle! You are very interesting (cheese is delicious, you know?), and I will definitely be looking out for unicorn farts from now on, in order to pass them to your general direction. ;D I may be tired. I will try a more normal post next time, but the sentiment will remain the same, which is, happy to meet you! :)

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