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    Hello! I’m Jay, and I finally worked up the courage to post. XD

    I’m from California, USA (the part with the surfers), and I’m a digital artist and [non-professional] musician. My main passion is animation, which has been an ambition of mine since I knew how to walk. I’ve had a love for Japan since I was little and always feel my creative endeavors drawing me closer and closer to the culture. I’m almost certain that I’ll end up joining and/or running an animation/video game company in Japan, somewhere down the line.

    I’m also interested in creepy Japanese folklore and urban legends–stuff like Kuchisake-onna and The Red Room. I’d love to do more research on their folklore, but Nihongo no good speak. Which is one reason why I’m here, of course.

    I tried learning Japanese on my own for a while, but I didn’t get that far. I only learned hiragana, katakana, and some other basic stuff. When I heard about TextFugu, I knew I’d love it. And I did! So here I am, amd I am here.




    What is your favorite mythological creature? Mine is the 尻目 simply because there is so little story behind it and it’s so insensibly gross. I also like かっぱ because they have a lot of character. I’m sure if I was less ignorant of their mythology I would favour even more.



    Hey there and welcome! Our passion is pretty similar, I am more into digital illustration and 3D models than animation :) It’s exciting to dream about going to Japan, right? :) I hope we’ll achieve the dream soon^^ good luck with your learning!



    Hi Jay, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies!



    @BBB HAHAH, the Shirime! While not my top favourite, that’s definitely a favourite. 河童 are awesome, too. I love the “Beware of Kappa!” signs that people put up around Japan. I’d say my main favourite is 口裂け女, but I can never choose. I’m a huge fan of 怨霊, but that’s more of a general category I guess.

    @dygozyr It’s so exciting! I’m just horrified about the idea of looking like an ignorant gaijin when I go. I get this feeling that I’ll travel to Japan and completely forget everything I learned because of being too nervous. Anyway, good luck with your art as well!

    @Hashi :D Thanks!

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