Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) ポルトガルから, Olá!

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    はじめまして you guys!

    Glad to be here and eager to start.

    I want to master the language so I can more easily start feeling at home when I go live to Japan, in my most optimistic future.

    Also, I expect learning a language this much different from the ones I know now (mother Portuguese, fluent English, some specks of  neighbour Spanish) will make me better at learning, while lending me the confidence and discipline I seek.

    As of now, I am frequenting the second year of Japanese lessons with a Japanese 先生 and I also got started on Wanikani a couple of months ago (now on level 6), but I’ve been meaning to try out TextFugu for some time now, as a way of consolidating and fortifying these different sources of Japanese almighty juice.

    These New Year sales just did it for me and here I am after having taken the leap toward Enlightenment.

    Nice to meet you all fellow TextFugu-ers of the world.



    Oh my, so many newcomers.  よろしくね!

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