Home Forums The Japanese Language 丁 kanji

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 11 years ago.

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    This kanji means “Street” according to this page:

    But for jisho dictionary (http://jisho.org/words?jap=%E4%B8%81+&eng=&dict=edict) this kanji means something else… such as counter for sheets, pages, leaves, etc…

    I’m a bit confused.

    Can you tell me the real meaning?

    Many thanks!



    Don’t get confused between the meaning of the kanji itself and the meaning of words formed from that kanji, especially when said word consists only of that kanji. =)


    The kanji 丁 means “street”, while the word 丁 is a counter for things, et cetera. Kanji tend to lend their meanings to compounds, so if you see a compound for the first time, you can sometimes infer the meaning, but that’s pretty much the only reason to learn the meanings of kanji in isolation. You’ll often see the kanji 丁 in the word 丁目, which means “city block”, if that helps at all.

    Also 丁寧, which means “polite”. Go figure.



    Yeah, it’s better to think of the Kanji in your Kanji deck as concepts rather than meanings. The Kanji in your Kanji Vocab decks are the ones where the meanings should translate directly to proper meanings.

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