Home Forums TextFugu 万 . Manatees are not vicious.

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 11 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hello forum. This is our first meeting, and I regret that it must be marred by such a truly devastating revelation. Now, I’m not normally one to complain. But I’m afraid that I simply cannot stand for this.

    I recently came across the kanji 万  and was horrified. The mnemonic for this kanji is imagining a bunch of manatees surrounding you, biting you, stinging you and tearing you apart. WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT? Manatees are nice guys that just like to chillax and be friends. If they did happen to surround you , they would probably give you fuzzy manatee kisses with their whiskered manatee mouths. They most certainly would not tear you apart.

    In short, this is slander and our friends the manatees deserve better. I rest my case.



    Don’t worry, they’re actually orca in disguise. I stopped using the Textfugu mnemonics, making up ones own is fun and more effective.

    You could try emailing Koichi to get him to change it (as I doubt the forums will be of much use).



    Maybe you’ve got some manateenip in your pocket?

    But yeah, I’m not reall a big fan of many of Koichi’s mnemonics. Too often he tries to get you memorise a reading by engaging your senses, but tends to disconnect the eyes – as in, if the shape of the character itself can somehow invoke the reading, why not use that? I don’t know that it’s necessary to bring up manatees at all – what’s wrong with just “man”? A man doing ballet. He’s in the middle of a jump, with his arms outstretched – don’t know the technical term for that move. =)

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