Home Forums TextFugu 中 A slight error in TextFugu

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    In Season 3, Doing Something (Part 1), here, TextFugu introduces us the the kanji “中”.

    On its kanji page, when 中 is written as a vocabulary word, it has the meaning “middle”, but in the Anki deck downloaded from the TextFugu page, it says that 中 means “Inside” instead. Both are pronounced as “なか”, it’s kun-yomi reading.

    According to Jisho, it has the meaning “middle” when pronounced as “ちょう”, its on-yomi reading; and has the meaning “inside” when pronounced “なか”. (Both spelt the same way)

    If Jisho is right, then the kanji page and the Anki deck need to be updated; to show either, or both, of the meanings and their pronunciations.

    If anyone has any insight on this, then reply away.



    First, the kanji 中 does not have the reading ちょう. It has the on’yomi reading ちゅう.
    Second, the kanji generally uses the reading なか when it is by itself.
    Third, the kanji generally uses the reading ちゅう when it is performing a specific grammatical function such as 今年中 or 勉強中.

    The more grammar you learn, the better you will understand how kanji readings work.

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