Home Forums The Japanese Language 事象! (じしょ)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joumana 10 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi guys!
    I’ve been looking for a kanji/Japanese Dictionary that is not so huge and easy to look through. I went to Tofugo.com review section to see if there is any specific dictionaries recommended but it hasn’t been updated yet.

    I found two dictionaries that I think are good, but I need your input and honest opinion. Option 1 is (The Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary). Option 2 is for the same publisher Kodensha but it’s the Elementary Kanji Dictionary.

    If you have better options please feel free to write them down.

    Looking forward to your replies!




    I haven’t used either of those, so I couldn’t really comment on them (I’ve got The Learner’s Japanese Kanji Dictionary by Spahn and Hadamitzky, published by Tuttle, which has been quite handy) but if you have an iDevice of some description, I’d strongly recommend Imi wa? (though I still think its old name was better…)

    Slight mistake, though, which you could possibly have avoided with a good dictionary: 事象 means “event, phenomenon” – the word you’re after is 辞書. =P



    Thank you Joel,

    Imi wa? is amazing! I truly appreciate mentioning it. And YES! if I had a proper Dictionary I wouldn’t have made this simple mistake XD

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