Home Forums The Japanese Language 八 vs ハ??

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 2 months ago.

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    Okay I don’t think I see ハ in the kanji list, just the radical list so that should help some, but these two look practically identical to me when I’m on my phone, which is unfortunately where I have to do a lot of my studying, as well as looking practically identical on the computer when they are not the size of the characters on the radicals pages. When you put them right next to each other then there’s a discernible difference, but it’s hard to tell other than by that, and putting them next to each other doesn’t help much for Anki etc. Am I just missing something? And is 八 not supposed to have the flat ‘cap’? I mean it doesn’t ever seem to show unless you blow it way way up.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Natalie.
    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by  Natalie.


    … well THERE’S the rest of 八 I guess it’s a size issue but that still… doesn’t help much… if it’s small or I’m on my phone….. So I guess the question slash issue stands.



    It’s a font thing – some fonts have the hat, some don’t. A number of other kanji have similar differences, like 入 or 人. It’s not a huge issue in this particular situation, because you’ll never be in a position where you have to recognise the difference in the wild – ハ never appears as a kanji in its own right.

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