Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) 押忍 – Yoooo

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    Cesar Romero

    I’ve been considering textfugu for some time now. And at last I gave in and got myself a membership, I hope that it is a good tool for my learning.

    Why do I want to learn Japanese?

    I have always admired cultures that carry a strong work ethic, responsibility, respect etc etc. Mostly I am obsessed with Japanese knives, I own a few made in Sakai (Osaka) My latest is a Takayuki hankotsu I bought this fall to butcher deer. I worked at a Japanese restaurant where I met my wife, whom is half Japanese. You get the idea… I love certain (not all) aspects of Japanese culture and learning Japanese would allow me to understand their history, culture, and way of being. When I visit Japan I’d like to go to Sakai to see the craftsmen and be able to communicate freely.




    Japan does have quite an impressive range of knives. I’d like to visit Sakai myself too, though for a completely different reason. Just visited Japan last month, but wasn’t able to make the time to visit Osaka at all.

    Honestly, I don’t think anyone who really knows anything about Japanese culture does love all of it. Some bits are a title… you know.

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