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    So as of tomorrow I shall be buying my tickets to Japan for 17 days in February \o/. Just need to get to conversational level before then… anyone got any tips for some good conversational vocab/grammar ill need to learn ? Been doing the full genki vocab deck, whatever comes up on WK and occasionally when i feel adventurous playing with the 6k deck. Guess ima do some more of this online tutoring i tried last week, getting to talk to an actual Japanese person seems to help crazy amounts.

    Also give me alllll your travel tips for Japan !

    Currently looking at Tokyo-Hiroshima and back via all the usual places, staying in hostels to try and meet people.



    Ooo, yay!

    Buy a JR Rail Pass before you go. Since you’re going all the way to Hiroshima and back, it will be worth the money: http://www.japanrailpass.net/eng/en001.html

    Get a Suica card for the private-line trains – and, for that matter, these days you can buy a lot of things with them: http://www.jreast.co.jp/e/pass/suica.html

    For route-planning – also handy for checking the cost of tickets: http://www.hyperdia.com/

    This might be a bit self-evident, but make sure you at least learn the kanji for major place names you intend to visit, so you can read them on signs in the off chance there’s no English or hiragana. For example, 広島, 新宿, 秋葉原… 神戸? Et cetera.

    Don’t bring too big a suitcase – if you’re going to be travelling with it, and need to put it in station lockers, bigger lockers are more expensive and harder to find. On that note, the lockers always take hundred-yen coins, so don’t spend them all. Also, on the trains, you’re better off with a wheeled suitcase than a backpack.

    Take photos for us. =D

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